If you regularly see birds flying to and from the same spot on the roof, droppings concentrated on the same spot on the ground or leaking down a wall are clear signs that you have birds building nests in your home or business.
While the sound of birds singing on a sunny day can brighten anyone’s mood, their nests and droppings may become a huge financial liability because of the significant damages they can cause to your building if allowed to settle down for an extended period of time.

Birds In and Around your Home
Birds can be found living in attic eaves, soffits, chimneys, shutters, and behind siding in homes and businesses. They also take up residence in barns and other outbuildings. If birds can find suitable shelter and are out of the elements, they will take up residence. It is common to find birds in vents where they will build nests.
Once they’ve built their nests and clogged gutters and drainage pipes, water damage can follow, potentially causing electrical shorts.
Bird Waste
Birds living in an attic or wall will defecate urinate and contaminate the insulation. These droppings can be infected with Histoplasmosis and present a hazard to anyone breathing the spores from the waste. Bird waste removal must be performed to remove this harmful substance. Birds also carry Aspergillosis, Avian Pox, Salmonellosis, Trichomoniasis, and West Nile Virus.
Bird droppings can also result in structural damage from the uric acid they contain.

Bird Trapping and Removal
Bird trapping is normally followed by bird relocation, though trapping birds is not necessary in all cases. Scare tactics and harassment techniques are commonly employed to repel birds. Bird pest control is one of our specialties at AAAC Wildlife Removal.
Bird extermination is usually not the best solution for this very beneficial animal as it would negatively affect the environment and reduce the number of insect-controlling birds.

Cleanup, Repair and Seal Entry Points
Once your wildlife technician removes the birds, you need to make sure that new house guests can’t get in. The appropriate barrier, chicken wire, or chimney cap will keep this problem from happening again.
Our friendly AAAC Wildlife Removal specialists are qualified to make damage repairs and seal these entry points so you don’t have to worry about your feathered friends making a repeat visit!